Hotel Garagum Myhmanhanasy Case Study

The Garagum Project is the first multi-use hotel and business center of the region. Project designers drew inspiration from the Karakum Desert, one of the largest deserts on earth, in which there’s Karakum Canal, world’s largest water supply canal. Garagum covers a construction area of 68,900 sqm, with 28,573 sqm indoor, and will rise eight floors including the technical floor. Portrayed as one of the “most special” projects in the area thanks to its architecture, luxury and location, Garagum also features a shopping mall, a 150-seat restaurant, meeting rooms, SPA and gym.
The uniquely designed concept building in Garagum needed lifelines. The exterior of the concept building had overmany curves and installation was difficult in terms of anchoring. There were also too many layers in the building’s exterior cladding.
Visual concern was very high due to aesthetics, so we had to make a project without disturbing the visual aesthetics.
How did we solve it?
The structure was definitely not suitable for the rope system, we had to do a rail analysis. Due to this reason, special rails were produced in the same color and in accordance with the special form of the entire building. The upper layer was cut and the roof covering of the standing seam structure below was reached. Special anchor legs were produced for this area, suitable for its depth and steel structure. Those legs were designed and produced in a way that allows us to move and adjust them in 3 dimensions in the x, y and z axes.
During the second stage, special bendable rails suitable for all forms of the building were manufactured. Of course, since there were too many slopes outside the building and there was no other place to connect for installation, the anchors were installed one by one, depending on the previous anchor. And all our rail system life lines in the building were installed in accordance with this project.

How long did it take?
The installation of our specially designed system, mounted on a 900 m specially formed structure, was completed in 60 days.